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Acidic people how to eat?

Acidic people how to eat?

1, people have the physical pH, acid is the source of pain, weak base is the best state of the body. We usually should pay more attention to diet, eat less meat meat, eat more vegetables, fruits and natural. The physiological performance of...



1、人的体质有酸碱之分,酸是病痛之源,弱碱性才是身体的最佳状态。我们平时应多注意饮食习惯,少吃荤腥肉类,多吃天然的蔬菜、水果。 2、酸性体质的生理表现有:皮肤无光泽、...

Different fruit are selected by different principles, but th

Different fruit are selected by different principles, but th

1, pick the fruit has a secret, no matter what fruit, in the position of the concave pedicle the harder the more sweet, there is a circle, any is a mother, the mother of the fruit is sweet; pedicled head and umbilical part is carried out, i...



1、挑水果有一个秘诀,无论什么水果,在蒂的部位凹得越厉害就越甜,有没有一个圈圈,有的话就是母的,母的水果比较甜;蒂头及脐的部份较开展,是水果成熟的象徵。 2、选水果的...

Different fruits to solve different health problems

Different fruits to solve different health problems

1, what to eat to lose weight? Recommended fruits: apple, grapefruit, bananas, tomatoes, kiwi, lemon, they are rich in pectin, cellulose, vitamin C; accelerate the detoxification efficacy and reduce heat absorption, help digestion. 2, skin w...

